Saturday, July 12, 2008

I've been trying to figure out why the right reverend Dr Jesse Jackson , pastor of the First Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship in Del Rio, Texas, suggested cutting Barack Hussein Obama's nuts off or out or whatever.
Is it because Jackson knows that BHO's emergence as the likely next leader of the free world threatens Jackson's position as the most criminal extorsionist of all times?
Is it because Jackson knows that BHO will cut his coven of willing women at least 90%?
Is it because Jackson knows that from now on he and the well coiffed Al Sharpton will be relegated to performing in small town Texas Cage wrestling matches just to make the payments on their Hummers?
Is it because Jackson knows that BHO will entice his fifth daughter Secretia by his ninth well compensated road ho 'lady' friend' Libidinous Mugamba to become a nun?
No matter what, the time of the Reverend Jackson is done.
In spite of the fact that the staged photo of him cradling Martin Luther King in his arms almost 50 years ago is now no more than a faded memory, Jackson's eternal message of black 'victimization' now rings on deaf ears.
Jackson is irrelevant.
Jackson is a dead man walking.
The great equalizer will always be time.


For as long as I can remember it has always been about two significant (at least to me) things.
Which bothers you most...the bleeding or the swelling?
For me it has always been about the swelling.
Bleeding you can stop or at least subdue.
Swelling is disfiguring, painful and abhorrent.
Occasionally serious swelling can be so disgusting that your clothes cease to fit properly.
That's why I never go to bars, cockfights, dogfights or faith healing tent meetings.
God forbid that you swell.
It can be very disconcerting.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

In another example of 'senior thinking' Hillary compared her campaign in Pennsylvania to the efforts of Rocky in the boxing flick of the same name with Sly Stallone.

She said she would press on with commitment and determination 'like Rocky' to win that state.

What she apparently didn't realize, probably because she never saw the movie, is that Rocky LOST his battle with Apollo Creed.

Creed was just too polished, too smooth and too tough for Rocky to win.

Memo to you Hillary...when you muse, you lose.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hmmm...Shall We Begin?

Is it just me or are those e-trade ads with the sub-prime mortgage trading baby as funny as it gets. Really, since 'Big' Al Gore first foist the global warming myth on us, I have not been so entertained.
But, in all honesty, my dear stage mother's reaction after my gruesome motorcycle wreck of 1968 may have been even better. When the ER doctor told her I was suffering from internal injuries she stepped back and said as only a mother who thinks looks are the most important single physical attribute..."Thank God they're only internal."
Unlike many who occupy this blogosphere thing, I don't sit around all day with a MacBook straddling my femurs . But when I can I'll post random (and sometimes highly focused) thoughts to people who may find them worthwhile.
We'll see.